
The unification of firewall security and management is accomplished with hybrid mesh firewalls (HMF). This approach offers significant value by combining the benefits of multiple firewall architectures.

Unify Firewall Management and Enforcement

Unified management streamlines administration and provides enhanced security, enabling centralized control and monitoring across the entire network. Further, it optimizes security policies, simplifies deployment, improves scalability, and enhances threat visibility—ultimately bolstering network protection while reducing complexity and operational overhead.

Hybrid Mesh Firewall: The Next Evolution

The Fortinet hybrid mesh firewall approach addresses the challenges of complex network and security infrastructure by revolutionizing your defense strategy. By unifying all firewall deployments across environments, you gain operational efficiency, stronger security (with consistent policies), and comprehensive visibility. With centralized and unified management, along with AI-powered services, you can ensure consistent, real-time protection against even the newest and most sophisticated threats across your entire organization.

Challenge: Inefficient Network and Security Operations

icon challenge architectural complexity

Architectural Complexity

Disparate security and networking solutions leave security gaps and are hard to efficiently manage


icon challenge users applications

Users and Applications Are Everywhere

Users connect to applications from the data center to multi-cloud, to the edge


icon challenge deployment complexity

Deployment Complexity

There are too many different tools, solutions, and platforms used for deployment and onboarding


icon challenge security misconfiguration

Security Misconfigurations

Misconfiguration and inconsistent security policies help attacks succeed


Expanded Attack Surface

Digital innovation (including WFA and cloud) has expanded the attack surface and cyber exposure


icon challenge evolving attacks

Evolving and Evasive Attacks

Increasingly sophisticated multi-stage campaigns mimicking legitimate activities evade security


Industry Analyst Recommendations


I&O networking leaders should secure networks with automation as organizations digitally transform.

Gartner Hype Cycle for Enterprise Networking, 2022 



SD-WAN improves availability, agility, cost-effectiveness and performance for enterprise WANs.

Gartner Hype Cycle for Enterprise Networking, 2022



Security leaders must adopt a unified security approach to protect assets and users anywhere.

Gartner Hype Cycle for Network Security, 2022



Effective security must be delivered in every location with a trend toward converged platforms.

Gartner Hype Cycle for Workload and Network Security, 2022


“The number of data center and edge sites will increase to 3.5 million by 2024.”

Gartner Forecast Analysis: Data Center Sites, Worldwide, published 13 April 2022



“75% of organizations are currently pursuing security vendor consolidation…”

Gartner How SASE, XDR and Security Vendor Consolidation Are Shaping Your Security Strategy, June 2022

Enterprise Analyst Validation

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