FortiPhish: Advanced Phishing Simulation for Enhanced Email Security
Email remains the first-choice threat vector for malicious actors looking to gain access to your environment in the hopes of stealing sensitive data, gaining access to bank accounts and financial data, or laying siege to data through ransomware. In fact, according to Verizon’s Data Breach Investigations Report 2020, 96% of phishing and pretexting (where a threat actor uses a convincing and plausible pretext or story to con an unsuspecting user to do something for the actor), including spear and whale phishing of executives – arrived via email. These social attacks have resulted in reputational damage and large financial losses due to compromised data, intellectual property loss, and unauthorised fund transfers.
Security awareness training, for those organizations that have a program in place, can only go so far. Employees come and go and while your users mean well, they often forget the lessons learned through annual online courses and other instruction.
FortiPhish helps you address the risk posed by uninformed users and turns them into forwardoperating sensors on the lookout for potential threats. FortiPhish is an advanced service for awareness training combined with advanced testing using phishing simulations based on the latest examples seen in the wild. Along with learning reinforcement, your users will have the tools they need to raise their vigilance against phishing and other social engineering efforts.
Zero day malware and phishing threats delivered over the email and the web may result in data loss, compromise, or ransomware.
Security awareness training combined with advanced simulations to arm your users with the knowledge and tools required to help defend your organization from social-based attacks.
FortiPhish is a cloud-delivered security awareness training simulation service with content available through the Fortinet NSE Training Institute. User awareness of the threat posed by malicious emails and social engineering efforts is best attained, maintained, delivered, and reinforced by FortiPhish Cloud continuous testing and simulation service.
FortiPhish phishing simulation uses the Fortinet FortiGuard Lab’s deep knowledge of phishing techniques to allow you to target your users with highly credible phishing campaigns.
FortiPhish also provides rich analytics to help administrators assess the susceptibility of users to phishing and related social engineering attacks, identifying users who may need support to improve behavior in the organization’s anti-phishing efforts.
Train your users on the risk posed by email-borne threats including phishing, spear phishing, whale phishing, pretexting, impersonation, and business email compromise — and how to spot them.
Test awareness and vigilance across your users through real-world simulated phishing attacks, while reinforcing proper practices at the point of click.
Analyze results and visualize program trending while identifying at-risk users and areas for improvement. Use results to adapt future training, further reinforcing vigilance across your organization.
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